Charter for NISTI Faculty Research Paper Competition
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• NISTI Faculty Research Paper Competition is being conducted to recognize research executed by Faculty of HEI in the Textiles domain on a theme covering inter alia design, technology, commerce, retail, management, consumer behavior, trends, techniques, crafts, etc.
• The emphasis of the competition is on the solidity of the research process and the clear, coherent and cogent communication thereof
• The competition will be open to full-time faculty of HEI in the textile domain located in NCR and teaching in diverse disciplines in degree or diploma programmes
• Participants shall have to submit endorsement from the head of the employing HEI regarding the declarations made by the competing faculty in a prescribed format
• Participants shall have to declare that they are full-time teachers employed in a named HEI and that the research paper submission is original and satisfies the eligibility requirements in all respects in a prescribed format
• The submission may be a single author research paper produced in the 12 months prior to the submission deadline of the competition
• Participants shall submit one research paper only for the competition
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• Participants will be required to download the form from here (Click here for the form) and mail the duly filled form to the official mail of NISTI i.e., [email protected] to register for participation in the competition.
• Participants will have to strictly satisfy the prescribed conditions for research paper preparation
• Participants will be required to submit the full research paper in 5 copies on or before the announced last date at a prescribed address
• All submissions will undergo masked quick review by select NISTI members on a distributed basis and marked on 100 purely on appeal, authenticity, consistency and merit to select 25% of the total submissions for recommendation to the jury for final review
• A jury comprising of four persons who are either research scholars or possess research orientation will conduct masked final review of the recommended research papers.The jury will comprise of one person each from academia, industry, research publishing and the Director of the competition
• Recommended research papers will be mask reviewed by each member of the jury independently, scored along prescribed criteria with numerical weightage adding to 100
• The criteria for review and their numerical weight will be declared one day after the deadline for competition entries.
• All submissions will be ranked by their final score
• A NISTI member well qualified in research shall be nominated as the Director of the competition
• The Director will be assisted by three other NISTI members and together they shall constitute the “NISTI FACULTY RESEARCH PAPER COMPETITION COMMITTEE”
• The Director will determine and assign appropriate administrative tasks to the members of the committee for the period of the competition
• The Director shall determine the criteria for review and their respective numerical weights adding to 100
• 5 May 2019 Competition announced
• 31 May 2019 Close of entries
• 15 June 2019 Submission deadline
• 30 June 2019 Completion of review by jury
• 5 July 2019 Declaration of winner of competition in NISTI
• 12 July 2019 Felicitation of authors of top ten percent of jury-ranked research papers at the NISTI-ITTA joint conference on technical textiles during the inaugural session by the Chairman of NISTI
• The author of the top-ranked research paper will be registered as a delegate without fee payment in two events:
# NISTI-ITTA Joint Conference on Technical Textiles in Delhi on 12 July 2019
# AIMA’s National Management Convention in September 2019 at Delhi on the theme “Innovation and Disruption”
• Research papers ranked in top ten percent of all papers reviewed by the jury will feature in a collection that will be published by NISTI in its website, subject to the recommendation of the jury.